We depend solely on private donors.
''Cahnuka while everyone is busy at home'' Our Volunteers are in full action, lighting up the bedridden cholim in Hospitals!!!
Did you know we hand out Over 10,000 Doughnuts, at least 5,000 Driedels, Elderly Care 3000 Packages, Hospital Packs 1000 & Children's Chanukah 1000 Gifts. We are the largest Organisation in the UK for Chanuka and Purim Relief (although our work is very low key)
Hey' It's that time of the year, we are busy cleaning the Menurahs, thinking of the Yummy Doughnuts, the Driedel Games.
whoooooops! Yad Ezra is doing the same for our brothers and sisters and not to forget our dear toddlers who are stuck in Hospital or in Care, who are bedridden.
We are understaffed and are having lots of challenges in the way this year with our Chanukah Project.
What we Aim to Do:
Over 10,000 Doughnuts
At least 5,000 Driedels
Elderly Care 3000 Packages
Hospital Packs 1000
Children's Chanukah 1000 Gifts
We Urgently need funding, we do not get any government or charity money.
We Rely on Private Donations from the Community!
Please call and donate with an open heart and let us continue lighten up the Souls in Hospital.
Mobile call or text Donate to:
0777 256 3441
We have thousands of patients who rely on us, WE CAN NOT LET THEM DOWN!
Please Support Us Now
Yad Ezra UK, A Helping Hand, supports thousands of people and their families every year.
Whether it's through our family support team, or by the Hospital bed , or help in the home, Yad Ezra UK, A Helping Hand, makes a huge difference to people's lives. But all of this care comes at a cost and with no funding coming from local authorities. We have to rely heavily on the support from the community to continue to be able to provide these vital services to those in need.
Please support us today by joining our secure supporter area, you will be able to make a donation and gift aid declaration.
Call 020 7502 0200/ 0777 256 3441
We will arrange an appointment with you on your secure supportive donation.
You Can view Our Accounts how we spend our money, by Appointment.
Leave a gift in your will?
Not only does a will help make provision for your loved ones, it enables you to leave a legacy to worthwhile charities, such as Yad Ezra UK, A Helping Hand, in the most effective manner possible.
In the current climate, it is getting harder and harder for us to raise the money needed to support our numerous services and the people that we care for. Leaving us a legacy enables us to continue and expand on the work we already do.
Get involved and raise money to Yad Ezra UK, A Helping Hand, so we can continue our service to the community.
if its a day event in your community at your shull or if its a run to raise money through running the marathon.
Whatever it takes we will be available to help and guide you.
Email: admin@ahelpinghand.org.uk or give us a ring and we will start the fundraising plan.
Continue our Service to the Community
With out YOUR HELP we could never continue our vital Service to the Community
© 2013 by Yad Ezra UK, A helping hand. All rights reserved